Case #2:
I recently read the blog about the woman whose baby drowned in their hot tub. This was really hard for me. I was grateful they forgave themselves, but when they said they didn't feel like they were to blame- I very much dissagreed. I told Jorge I must need to read my scriptures more, but I felt like I had a hard heart and was somewhat angry at this random woman. While I still feel like they were to blame, even though I know it was "meant to be" meaning Heavenly Father knows what mistakes we will make before we make them- my rude awakening was this: Reuben ate ALL of Jace's teething tablets. Ok, not all- I had given Jace 3, so he actually ate all 122! (I was putting Jace down for his morning nap, and he tried waking up so I stayed with him for a few more minutes.) I about died. I called and come to find out, a baby can actually eat 6 whole bottles! before feeling a negative side effect, which is: dry mouth. Holy cow huh? I screamed, "Reuben, this is medicine- not candy!" and when I found out he was fine, I cried. Sobbed. Uncontrollably. I asked him, "do you know how much I love you?" He said, "yeah." and brought a blankie and wiped my tears. If anything had happened to him, it would have been 100% my fault. So it didn't really change my mind about things, but it did open my eyes. Also, it made me question the overall effectiveness of the teething tablets. The belladonna didn't sedate him and the caffeine didn't seem to do much either and trust me- he didn't leave my side for over 24 hours.
Lesson learned: I'm still pretty opinionated, but I might need to work harder at keeping those opinions to myself because before too long, I will be making the same mistakes...myself.