Saturday, October 6, 2007

Type A problems

So, I may be too much of a perfectionist to have a blog. Well, that and I'm somewhat computer stupid! I have no idea how to add a message AND a slideshow in the same post (while I am pretty proud to have figured out the slideshow). Also, I don't know how to fix the pictures I put on the left- I suppose it's the template making them look offcentered. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. UNTIL THEN...the slideshow is basically some more recent pictures of the boys. In order of appearance:
1. Reuben's opera face (he really was singing)
2. Potty training (yeah right!)
3. My brown-eyed baby, Jace! (atleast I think they're brown)
4. Jace hanging out in the excersaucer, as happy as ever...probably while I do this!
5. Matchy matchy! green squared! -name that movie.
6. "We're #1!"
7. Cousins and friends chowing on tortillas (who needs cookies, we're in Mexico!)
8. I always give Reuben the oats out of my Lucky Charms, so while I was away he was sneaking all the marshmallows!
9. And obviously wasn't very good hiding the evidence!


Bec said...

I'm really proud of you for figuring out the slideshow, too! I don't know how to do it... it looks great! Your blog absolutely ROCKS. You do. Love you.

Bec said...

By the way... two more things.
1- Other people might comment if you TOLD THEM about your blog.
2- "Once upon a time in Mexico".... love, love, love it.

Anonymous said...

Return to me is the movie!! Is there a prize involved in this? What do I win, a trip for the Whetten Familia to Greenbrier Arkansas. Yay!! Let's play this game more often!